I Was Questioning Every Decision

I Was Questioning Every Decision

I never would’ve guessed when my husband and I sat down with Jim Johnson back in the spring of 2010 to discuss insurance policy options, that he would ultimately play an integral role in my life. Let me take a step back. The way that Jim Johnson came in to my life the...
The Important Role of Grandparents in Divorce

The Important Role of Grandparents in Divorce

Last year was an interesting year for us at Heartland Family Mediators, LLC.  We had the privilege of working with couples as they experienced the ups, downs, and heartbreak, which are of the nature of divorce. Each experience was unique, but a few common themes...
Time to Move Forward

Time to Move Forward

I would wholeheartedly recommend Jim Johnson without reservation.  When my ex and I realized that marriage counseling wasn’t working out, we knew it was time to move forward with the frightening process of divorce.  The idea of working with attorneys, and the...
Coming Out of Mediation With Friendship

Coming Out of Mediation With Friendship

When I was contemplating divorce, I needed as much information as I could to help me understand what that would really mean to me – in all facets of my life.  So one of my steps was to have a consultation with a lawyer.  As I sat listening to her talk about putting...
Something We Both Could Live With

Something We Both Could Live With

When we were going through our divorce, things got bad quickly.  They seemed to remain that way forever,  almost as if time had stopped.  Our attorneys seemed to think of themselves as warriors.  I mean, they were out of control.  To this day I cannot tell if they...