I’m a Single Mom Now, And I’m OK

I’m a Single Mom Now, And I’m OK

Facing the need for an end to my marriage was the most difficult decision of my life. Finances were not my only concern but they had been weighing heavily on me for a long time. My husband was financially successful. But trust had evaporated in our marriage. I had to...
Out of the Mouth of Babes

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Sometimes children say exactly what parents need to hear. Sometimes when parents hear what their children say their words can hit an emotional bullseye and even be embarrassing. I recently came across a perfect example of that in a YouTube video that I believe says it...
Common Sense to Both Sides of Our Arguments

Common Sense to Both Sides of Our Arguments

I came to Heartland Family Mediators lost and frustrated with my relationship with my son’s mother.  We agree on nothing and I saw no light at the end of the tunnel.  I felt like there was no way for us to come to any agreement and that I would wind up spending...
Relentless Focus on Collaboration

Relentless Focus on Collaboration

Facing divorce at age 57 was the most difficult situation of my life. Fear, heartbreak, not knowing where to turn or what to do – that was me. After doing online research I contacted Heartland Family Mediators and spoke at length with Jim Johnson. Following that...