There are many positive effects after the couple reach a final settlement in mediation. The agreement acts as a road map and benefits the couple and their child(ren) for years to come.
Mediation in general: allows couples to come together to resolve their divorce issues with a mediator. If the mediation was successful, the couple reaches an equitable agreement that gives each person not only what they have a right to but also what they want.
Right away, couples can see the benefits of the divorce mediation process. The couple saved a great deal of time and of money by not engaging in the traditional attorney litigation model. In addition, the couple retains the control by helping to create their own mediated agreement terms. The couple takes the decision making away from a judge who may review their case file for fifteen minutes before making a decision that impacts the couple and their family for years to come.
Examples of Successful Divorce Mediation.
1. Mediation helps create positive communication between the couple which may have been lacking during the original marriage.
The increased communication helps the couple address any issue that may cause conflict down the road. When divorce issues are communicated together with a couple and a mediator then creative resolutions can be addressed in the most positive light. Mediation is completely different than the litigation model in this respect where communication between couples are often non-existent, since most issues are discussed through each person’s respective attorney.
2. Child(ren) benefit from seeing their parents being civil to each other..
Mediation helps the couple focus on their child(ren) and learn to speak about the other parent in a positive way after the divorce. Mediation helps families move forward with their lives. Couples understand if they have child(ren) together, they may no longer be married but that they will always be parents together.
3. Mediation creates the groundwork for couple’s commitment to work together in the future. Mediation helps provide couples with the confidence that future issues can be resolved together. After a mediated settlement agreement is completed the couple has the framework for working through conflict that may arise in the future.
If you want additional information about mediation and other services that we provide or if you wish to schedule a free initial consultation with a Heartland Family Mediators professional, contact us today at 317-251-2589 or email us at [email protected].