Peace and Equity Through Mediation

Peace and Equity Through Mediation

When it became clear that getting a divorce was unavoidable, I was pained when I reviewed options available to me. Our children were adults. I didn’t understand all of the details regarding our finances. I was fearful about my future financial security. I knew in my...
Easier Said Than Done

Easier Said Than Done

When HFM asked me to report back how I was doing after they had mediated my divorce, I was apprehensive.  I didn’t want to think about or discuss it.  It was over and I wanted it behind me. I have come to a hard conclusion: I honestly don’t know how to talk...
I Never Dreamed It Could Turn Out This Well

I Never Dreamed It Could Turn Out This Well

After much discussion, my husband and I made the decision to divorce. Our goal from the beginning was to remain not only civil to one another, we wanted to be able to like and respect each other when the process was behind us. We have a young son together and we both...
Why Choose Heartland Family Mediators?

Why Choose Heartland Family Mediators?

Heartland Family Mediators, LLC (HFM) provides family mediation services in Indiana.  At HFM we help couples work through the complexities of navigating divorce and resolving family issues.  If your family is facing a hard time, HFM may be your best option to find the...
Marriage or Divorce Are Both Hard

Marriage or Divorce Are Both Hard

“No one ever said marriage is easy”.  We all have heard that at one time or another. But something we don’t hear as often yet we know to be true is that “Getting a divorce is not easy either”.  Both of these life situations present unique and complex emotions. They...